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David H Root, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor.
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience

Boettcher Investigator, Conan Kornetsky Fellow


Before graduate school, I worked in Dr. Yasmin Hurd’s lab at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City for 3 years. I worked on projects related to the effects of transgenerational THC exposure on reward-seeking behavior, including heroin self-administration. Now in graduate school, I am broadly interested in innate or ethologically relevant behavior tasks that have an element of avoid-approach conflict. I am interested in how BNST circuitry of specific cell-types to hypothalamic brain regions and VTA contribute to motivation, threat processing, and homeostatic signaling.

Annie Ly
Ph.D. Candidate, F31 Predoctoral Fellow, SfN Neuroscience Scholar, SfN Trainee Professional Development Awardee

B.a. Middlebury college, 2016

M.S. University of colorado, 2022

Contact: annie.ly at colorado.edu


Emily D Prévost
PhD Candidate, Curci Scholar, SfN Neuroscience Scholars Program Associate

B.S. Arizona state university, 2016

m.s. universität Ulm, 2019

Contact: emily.prevost at colorado.edu

Hayden Hotchkiss

Professional Research Assistant

B.A. University of Puget sound, 2022

Julianne Pelletier

Professional Research Assistant

B.s. Regis University, 2023


Bodhi Rubinstein

Undergraduate Researcher, BSI Scholar

Rachel Karnosky

Undergraduate Researcher, BSI Scholar, UROP Scholar

Lucy Ward

Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar, Dopamigo

Megan Heilbron

Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar

Daniel Alas

Undergraduate Researcher, McNair Scholar, Dopamigo

Anoushka Jani

Undergraduate Researcher, Boettcher Scholar

Annamarie Miller

Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar

Dylan Capes

Undergraduate Researcher

Max Vitti

Undergraduate Researcher


Zoe K Root
Lab Supervisor, Keeper of the m&ms


Ethan A Root
In training, will record GCaMP for Peekaboos


Dillon J McGovern, Ph.D. —> Janssen Pharmaceuticals
NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellow, SfN Trainee Professional Development Awardee, NIH Outstanding Scholar in Neuroscience Awardee

Ph.D. university of colorado, 2023

B.S. Villanova University, 2018

M.S. University of colorado, 2020


David T Huynh
Undergraduate Researcher, Biological Sciences Initiative Scholar —> Asarch Dermatology


Sophie K Elvig
Undergraduate Researcher —> National Institute on Drug Abuse


Arielle Sandoval
Undergraduate Researcher, Boettcher Scholar, Boettcher Collaboration Scholar


Makaila Banks
Undergraduate Researcher, SMART Scholar —> University of Rochester

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Kyu Ro
Undergraduate Researcher, McNair Scholar, two time UROP Scholar —> University of California Davis


Janet Lee
Undergraduate Researcher, two time UROP Scholar, Miramontes Arts & Sciences Scholar —> University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Katelynn N Fegan
Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar, David E Drutz Scholar —> Metro OB/GYN


Koy Ecton

Undergraduate Researcher —> Colorado Mesa University


Alysabeth G Phillips

Professional Research Assistant —> University of California Irvine

B.S. University of Colorado, 2013


Jasmine Mosberger

High School Researcher —-> Washington University of St Louis

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Vivianne Benbrook

Postbaccalaureate Researcher —> University of Arizona Medical School


Paul Rastrelli
Undergraduate Researcher, Boettcher Scholar, Boettcher Collaboration Scholar


Hadley Mills

Undergraduate Researcher, Biological Sciences Initiative Scholar —> National Institute on Drug Abuse


Louis Nunez

Undergraduate Researcher, McNair Scholar —> Oregon Health & Science University


Connor McNulty
Professional Research Assistant —> CU Boulder Neuroscience Graduate program


Sarah Bates
Undergraduate Researcher

Declan Mulcahy

Undergraduate Researcher, Biological Sciences Initiative Scholar, Honors Thesis —> Summation Bio

Kristoffer Lauridsen

Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar —> CU Boulder Philosophy Graduate Program

William Plantz

Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar, Honors Thesis —> World traveling

Alex Barker

Undergraduate Researcher, Honors Thesis —> Harvard Medical School


Rocio Monroy-Tello

Undergraduate Researcher, McNair Scholar —> CU Boulder Public Health Graduate Program

Steven Oakes

Undergraduate Researcher, Boettcher Scholar, Boettcher Collaboration Scholar, Beckman Scholar —> CU Biophysics Department for Beckman Scholarship

Shamira Gonzalez

Rotating Graduate Student —> CU Boulder Biochemistry Program

Juan Padilla La Llave

Undergraduate researcher, SMART scholar —> University of Puerto Rico

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Bryce Poirot

Undergraduate Researcher, Biological Sciences Initiative Scholar, UROP Scholar, Honors Thesis

Max Garnett

Undergraduate Researcher, BSI Scholar

Bailey Weibel

Undergraduate Researcher, UROP Scholar

Gabrielle McBane

Undergraduate Researcher

Gunnar Enserro —> University of Colorado Denver

Software Engineer