Distinct Signaling by Ventral Tegmental Area Glutamate, GABA, and Combinatorial Glutamate-GABA Neurons in Motivated Behavior

Very happy that this research is finally out!

We previously discovered that VTA contains neurons that co-transmit glutamate and GABA. The circuits and functions of these neurons are unknown. Similarly, the circuits and functions of neurons that release glutamate without GABA, or GABA without glutamate, are also unknown The challenge in identifying the circuits and functions of each of these neurons is that they are defined by multiple genetic characteristics. We used INTRSECT2.0 technology invented by the Deisseroth lab (Lief Fenno, Charu Ramakrishnan, Yoon Seok Kim) to overcome this challenge Ultimately we found that VTA glutamate, GABA, and glutamate-GABA neurons have different topographic projection densities and differential signaling of reward and aversion related cues, outcomes, and errors in motivated behavior

Check out the paper here